Thursday, July 17, 2008

Innocent child with your heart so bright,
out to explore into the night.

Do not stray to the darkness below,

or gone will be your innocent glow.

Temptation surrounds and chaos is near,

stay true to your heart and all will be clear.

This series of paintings were done by Peter Chan and I for a book titled 'Chaos' which features short comics and paintings by 14 Sheridan Illustration graduates. The soft-cover book is $20. Leave me a message if you would like a copy.

The paintings were also part of "The Shit" show at Passion Lounge on Yonge st in Toronto. I'm not sure if they are still up, but here is the info for the place:

Monday, March 3, 2008

Snow White and chaos preview!!

This next piece is my first real attempt at oil painting since High School, and I am in love. In the last few years I have become what you could call a "digital" artist. Although there were always thoughts of going back to my traditional roots, it was hard to pick up a brush and just go at it. Now I'm not sure I ever want to put down the brush in favour of my tablet pen ever again. Ahh, c'est l'amour.

Those of you who know me may also be familiar with my not so secret wish to be a fairytale princess. I can already imagine my wedding dress; a big puffy gown with equally puffy sleeves, maybe a pair of wings too?

"Forbidden Fruit" is my depiction of Snow White. It is a play on the Garden of Eden and the story of Eve with a special appearance by the Queen as the serpent. To be quite honest, I would eat the apple too. :)